Last summer, through a rather circuitous and fortuitous set of circumstances, I became the recipient of blown poultry eggs. (I don't think I've ever used circuitous and fortuitous in the same sentence before and I rather like it!) Three goose eggs and one chicken. I set about decorating them using collage techniques to get them ready for a show I was doing with friends called "Birds Of A Feather." All my life, even before I recognized that I had any artistic talent, I have loved decorating Easter eggs. My favorite thing was to use crayons to create a wax resist and then dip them in dyes. Never before had I tried collage and I was surprised to discover how much fun it was. Not only were the results pleasing, but by the time you have layered on paper and acrylic medium, you have a pretty sturdy eggshell.
Now, in time for Easter, I have received a dozen more eggshells; three goose and nine chicken. I have already begun the decorating process by adhering papers to the shells.
I have found that the best paper to use for this is tissue paper. All the eggs above are covered in various tissue papers; some solid and some patterned. Next, some of the eggs will be decorated with additional paper cut outs and they all will be splattered with gold paint. Then, after a couple layers of varnish they will get final touches with glitter glue and perhaps some will get little jewel embellishments.
One of the galleries where I exhibit, Studio 432, is more of a fine craft gallery than a fine art gallery. It's a beautifully converted church building and everything in it is wildly wonderful. This will be a perfect place to exhibit the finished eggs.
"Yellow Springs Collage" - Mixed Media Collage - 8x10
As some of you know, I've been feverishly trying to put together a body of work to exhibit in this year's art show at Historic Yellow Springs in Chester Springs, Pennsylvania. An artist must be juried into the show in order to exhibit and I was fortunate enough to be selected for the 2007 show. Once an artist is accepted, they can exhibit in the show each year as long as their work sells. The art show is a fund raiser for this organization and they cannot afford space for artists who don't sell; nothing personal. Here's the link to the Historic Yellow Springs website and their page about the art show.
It's a huge show featuring about 200 artists. I exhibited in 2007 and 2008, but had to give it a miss last year in 2009 because I was helping my husband recuperate from surgery in Virginia Beach and I had spent all of 2008 packing up our house in Maryland to prepare for the move to our house in Delaware and had not spent any time in the studio and had no inventory. I was fortunate that they let artists skip one year without having to be juried again... so if I want to remain as an active participant, I have to exhibit this year.
A participating artist must show a minimum of four hanging pieces but can exhibit as many as 12 hanging works and 20 bin pieces (either prints or originals) for a total of 32 pieces of art. I always try to exhibit the maximum (and my bin pieces are all originals) to make it worth my while to travel the distance to deliver and pick up for this show; it's 120 miles away.
So that's what I've been busy with lately and I'm almost ready!
Mixed Media Collage 10x20
Another tribute to spring; which can't get here fast enough to suit me!
Mixed Media Collage - 10x20
I started off in one direction with this piece and after making an abstract acrylic under painting I changed directions. That's how this piece came to be named New Attitude. Part of the original acrylic under painting peeks through the collaged papers, which for me, adds a new layer of interest.
Well, it's exciting for me, anyway. After almost two hours of trial and tribulation, I finally figured out how to make "a crabulous life!" available by email subscription. You can subscribe to my new posts by clicking on the link at the right.
I've also made this feature available with my new blog "Questions for the Universe". Please take a moment to check out this new site and tell me what you think.
I really, truly am working on a larger collage piece right now. It's just not finished yet or ready for viewing. I have also been doodling in my art journal. Evidently, with all this snow, I miss beach combing. I'm sure that's what prompted this journal entry. I'm sorry it's a little blurry because of the crease in the book, but I think I kind of like the blurry look. It sort of reflects the way I feel right now.
Mixed Media Collage - 10"x 20"
This is the sequel and final outcome to my post titled "Blank Canvas No. 1" from February 4. This turned out to be a fun snowy weekend project.
This is the view outside my studio window right now; right this minute! It's near white out conditions. This creates a cozy day to stay inside and work in the studio.
It's ironic though because one of the reasons we chose to live in Lewes, Delaware is because it almost never snows here! :-D
Because of all the snow on our screens, I couldn't really shoot the photo through the window, so I had to go outside to do it. When I came back in I looked down at the impression my slippers made in the snow on our front porch. Looks like art to me!
I hope you're having a good day wherever you are and whatever your weather may be!
The canvases I recently ordered are 10" x 20"
gallery profile; which are significantly larger than the usual 6" x 6" I'm used to working with. I decided to tackle the first canvas by covering it with a layer of acrylic paint in analogous hues.
So, I chose shades of lavender and blue.
Next I added random bits of scrap papers and sponged on more paint in the blue/violet family.
And, lastly, because you know I can't resist gold, I sponged on a metallic gold paint. Well, I say lastly, but this is just the end of the first stage. Now I actually have to make this into an art piece. Stay tuned! :-D
Palm Grove - Mixed Media Collage - 6 x 15
It's a new month so time for a new look for the blog. I always think of February as "tropical vacation month." Unfortunately, I won't be taking any tropical vacations this February, but I thought I'd dress up my blog in tropical regalia just the same and I decided to use this piece as the banner for this month.
I created this piece three years ago, and unfortunately it got away from me too soon. I mean, yes, I always love it when a piece sells right away, but I kind of missed this one when it left the studio. I would have like to have held onto it for a little longer. Fortunately, I still have the digital image.
Happy February everyone!
Nothing is more exciting and yet at the same time more intimidating to me than blank canvases. There's so much promise there and also so much pressure. I have a deadline coming up so I have to overcome the intimidation and crack open the plastic covers on a few of these babies and get working!
Wish me luck!