Mary Sheehan Winn reminded me that I had not yet posted images of the other headless dolls address by fellow TAGG members in our Headless Doll Challenge.
Susan Amadio, who specializes in ceramics and is known for her riotous sense of humor, stepped up to the plate with "Where Is My Mummy?" Notice the one doll is clothed in lace. Susan is often the recipient of large quantities of lace when we have our "cast-off" meetings and bring items to swap or give away. She incorporates the lace in her ceramic creations which lends intricate texture to her art pieces.
But by far the favorite doll of the challenge was the gourd doll created by Lorraine Haggard. The head of this one is a gourd into which she has burned its delicate facial features. The collar and skirt are also fashioned from gourd pieces as well as the flip flops. And the tiny rose the doll is holding is in reality the very tip of a gourd with the stem attached. Lorraine had such a good time with this challenge that she collected all the rest of the headless dolls not used and is planning on making more gourd dolls. We cannot wait to see what she comes up with.
I've finished the dolls (finally) and it's OK... you can laugh! I am. They look like deranged voodoo dolls to me and with that thought in mind I even stuck pearl studded boutonniere pins through their hearts. And the ceramic faces of Maggie's have always reminded me of the face in the moon. Therefore, I've named these dolls (are you ready for this?) "Girl In The Moon Love Spell Voodoo Doll In Turquoise" and "Girl In The Moon Love Spell Voodoo Doll In Lavender."
My next door neighbor was just over and she sneaked back into my studio to have a peek while I was in my office writing. She and my husband both think I've just lost it. They're probably right.
Oh, well. Next week it's back to boring old collages.
I'm putting on the finishing touches to the dolls; which you see are no longer headless. Those of you who know me well have probably guessed that finishing touches involves gallons of glitter glue, and you'd be right.
Once the glitter glue is dry I'll be able to add the final, final touches and call it a day... or a week... or whatever.
The bodies are starting to take some shape. Well, OK, that's not exactly accurate. The bodies have always been that shape. The bodies are starting to look more colorful. But I have my doubts about the whole end result. Of course, I always feel that way about every art piece I'm working on.
OK, so I'm making a little progress with the Headless Doll Challenge. I was rummaging through my drawers and bins and came up with the four ceramic faces pictured above. These faces came to me, some years ago, via a very round about way and third or fourth hand. In fact, I have a feeling that the person who gave them to me had no idea who created them... but I knew.
I already owned one of these faces and knew their creator to be... Maggie Creshkoff. Yes, the same Maggie who donated the doll bodies in the first place. Suddenly I couldn't imagine anything more fitting than to incorporate Maggie's faces into the doll challenge and thankfully got her permission to do so.
So as it stands right now, I have four faces, three heads (seen in the picture below) and two bodies. Somehow something will develop from all this.
With less than a week to go, I'm embarking on the headless doll challenge. When we picked up the headless dolls from Trashy Women member, Maggie Creshkoff, I certainly didn't think of it as a "challenge" but just a fun project. But when TAGG member, Susan Amadio, published our show flyer and referred to it as a challenge, that just pushed it up another notch. So, I'm determined to do something with the two headless dolls I brought home. So far, the photo above is all I've got. Hmmm.
I sure hope this doesn't end up like last year's "turkey egg challenge" where I was the only one to show up with decorated turkey eggs. Are you reading this fellow TAGG members?