Today brought an unexpected surprise. The storefront next door to the one where I work in the Rehoboth Mall is undergoing extensive renovation. It's being transformed from a 4-plex movie theater into a 24 hour gym. Today's renovation project involved using front loaders which expelled copious quantities of diesel fumes into the mall, making it impossible for humans to safely work/shop/exist within the area. So my boss called me up and told me to stay home.
I didn't have to think twice about how I wanted to spend my day and I headed straight for the studio to work and play. Since my daughter-in-law's birthday is Sunday, I started my session by creating a birthday card for her. Usually I just print out an image of one of my collages and glue it to a Strathmore metallic deckled edge blank greeting card, but today I had time to make an original collage featuring Cindy's favorite colors. What a great way to begin a studio session. And Cindy, if you're reading this; surprise!
From there I moved onto a larger ongoing project that I hope to share with you all at a later date. But for now, the birthday card is enough.
Have a good weekend everyone!