It would appear that all is quiet in "a crabulous life!", but that's simply not the case. True, no work is being produced in my studio for the time being, but the work going on inside of my head is unbelievable!
My mother is here visiting! It's been five years since she's been able to get here to see me and probably that long, too, since I've been a tourist in my own town. Together we're having fun rediscovering the places we've always been so fond of and exploring new ones as well.
My mother has
such a keen sense of design and color and a great eye for detail and
whenever I'm with her, my mind always goes into overdrive seeing things
with a new perspective and turning these new perspectives into new
design ideas. She's only been here a few days and already I find myself
thinking about new color combinations and about new subject matter.
Above you see a new hat and scarf that she insisted upon buying me as an
early birthday present. Upon seeing the scarf in our favorite clothing
boutique, she knew immediately that I'd love it because of the color
combination. And the wool felt cloche
was a natural. I've always had a thing for hats and this one is just
too cool. I've never been too into fashion and I wear pretty simple,
straight forward clothing (read jeans & t-shirts) which act as a
blank canvas and I love, love, love to accessorize.
You may have noticed that the cloche and scarf are draped around a book.
You may have also already guessed that it's vintage and foreign. Danish
to be exact. I don't know why I'm so fascinated with these objects, but
you know I'll be drawing all through it.
This book is particularly interesting because it has illustrations that look to be woodcuts. The title is Vers Og Vaerktoj, Et Udvalg Af Digte or Verse and Tool, A Selection of Poems by Oluf Bertolt and Hagmund Hansen. The copyright is 1951 Forlaget Fremad - Kobenhavn (Copenhaven).
I know it's
imperative that I write down all the new ideas that all the new stimuli
have been stirring in my mind so that I can sort through it when I
return to the studio and decide where to begin anew. Vacations, even
from something you really love doing, are imperative. They clear the
mind and open it to brand new possibilities!