The first time I ever experienced art papers, I was on my way to an art supply store in NYC to experience Diane Townsend's hand made pastel sticks. There I was, walking north on Broadway in the middle of Soho, minding my own business and there it was... Kate's Paperie. I'm not sure just what exactly about it caught my attention; the view through the window, I'm sure, but I couldn't stop myself from entering. I was dumbfounded! I had never realized there were so many kinds of papers, in so many colors and textures and made from so many materials. The experience was euphoric and yet I left empty handed. What could I DO with those papers, I wondered. Eight months later I made my first foray into collage.
I have been back to Kate's a number of times (but it's been way too long) but there's another place that's become a candy store for me. That would be Ex Libris, the campus book and art supply store for the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD).

I do not believe that SCAD has ever built a new building for their college; instead, they have lovingly remodeled and repurposed already existing buildings all over the city of Savannah and the Ex Libris is no exception. Built in the mercantile style at the turn of the 20th century, it was originally a salvage and sales building. It was beautifully restored and retains the original wide plank hardwood flooring and central staircase embellished with wrought iron. A new twist on the architecture is support columns adorned with books.

They feature a coffee bar on the first floor and comfy chairs and sofas for cozying up as well as tables and chairs among the books. Floors two and three; however, are devoted to art supplies. The selection is endless. And their selection of art papers is delicious. I usually try to get there before the new semester starts in January; before the students return so I can have first pick. Since I didn't get to Savannah until February, I wasn't so lucky this year, but there were still a lot of scrumptious papers to choose from. Mouth watering!
When I moved two years ago and downsized my studio, I promised myself that I would not buy new papers again for a long time as I already had hundreds from which to choose. But... two years is already a long time and I couldn't resist adding a few new sheets to the collection. ;D
Ah, yes! The art papers! |
If you know my personal palette, you know I bought a sheet of this! |
Yes, it looks familiar. I have used this same pattern in black and white; so of course, I bought it in black and natural, too. |
With great effort I resisted this pretty paper. |
You can barely make it out, but on the 2nd pass, I was drawn to the second sheet from the bottom and added it to my collection. It's quite beautiful and contains lots of gold metallic ink. |
If you look closely, the student sitting on the right side is flashing me the peace sign. |
Just one of the fascinating book pillars. |
Stained glass window over the check out counter. |