Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's May!

You know me; new month, new blog look. The new banner is from this image which I created for the TAGG group show last year (before we were known as TAGG) and it's called "Birds of a Feather,"  which was also the name of our exhibition. I was inspired to create this piece while reading Artful Paper Dolls and while it made me laugh I never thought for a moment that it would sell. Fortunately, I was wrong!


Sally Dean said...

this is fun and put a smile on my face!

Linny D. Vine said...

These are great fun, Kristenna!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sally and Linny!

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Oh, Kristeena, you are too much! These are the MOST fun birds ever! How on earth do you think of these combinations?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kelley. Honestly, ideas like these just pop into my mind at the weirdest times. :D