Sunday, June 27, 2010


Seventy Degrees - Mixed Media Collage - 5"x14"

A very delightful person, by the name of Kathy McNamara just left my home with the collage above in her arms. She is a volunteer for the non-profit organization known as KINfolk and I donated this piece to their upcoming fund raiser.

My husband, Bob, met Kathy at a recent Chamber of Commerce event and learned about her organization. Their mission statement reads as follows:

"KINfolk supplies free laptop computers and internet access to hospitalized and homebound children to keep them in touch with family, school and friends and to help them fight the stress of their illness."

Bob couldn't help but agree to donate one of my pieces to their cause and I'm glad he did. To learn more about their organization you can go to their website: KINfolk Kids.


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Well, you are not only inordinately talented, but kind and generous as well. May good things come back to you! Wonderful cause!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

I love this. Your mixed media collages are wonderful.