Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dolls LOL!

I've finished the dolls (finally) and it's OK... you can laugh! I am. They look like deranged voodoo dolls to me and with that thought in mind I even stuck pearl studded boutonniere pins through their hearts. And the ceramic faces of Maggie's have always reminded me of the face in the moon. Therefore, I've named these dolls (are you ready for this?) "Girl In The Moon Love Spell Voodoo Doll In Turquoise" and "Girl In The Moon Love Spell Voodoo Doll In Lavender." 

My next door neighbor was just over and she sneaked back into my studio to have a peek while I was in my office writing. She and my husband both think I've just lost it. They're probably right.

Oh, well. Next week it's back to boring old collages.


Dave F' said...

Kris, I think they are Crabulous. I know you put a LOT of work into these and probably more brain power than some of your collages so congrats on a job well done!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Dave. If nothing else, this project helped me flex my artistic muscles a bit.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

they are 'Crabulous' !! and it's great to fearlessly step out of the box.

Drali Afrohealer said...

These dolls can do love spell voodoo very well. I see you know to prepare your self before starting a spell