Monday, January 31, 2011

"Blue" - Digital Collage

The medium of digital collage fascinates me and I'd love to spend more time playing with it. It's so different from my paper/mixed media collages in that I can create without getting my hands dirty. In fact, I can create a digital collage in bed. It's created completely on the computer. And then, if and when I hit upon something I really like, I can print it out on watercolor paper and maybe even add other collage elements to the printed piece. The possibilities are endless.

I'll be away from my studio for a little while, so there's a good possibility I'll be playing with this medium for the next week. Or maybe not; we'll see where the mood takes me.

(And Connie R., if you're reading this, I'm sure you recognize the sculpture! ;D)



The blue and white palette is perfect in depicting the delicacy of the nude sculpture Kristeena!
So which do you prefer - digital or paper / mixed?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Susan! I find the texture in mixed media collage to be very seductive, so I'll always prefer that medium.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

I'm loving your new look here as well as all your fabulous assemblage and collage.
I like it all!

Susan Williamson said...

What a fabulous digital collage! Love the colors, the design ...everything!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mary!

And thank you, Susan. Your digital collages have been an inspiration to me.