Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Munch a Bunch for Lunch" Mixed Media Collage 12x12

My final piece for the spring art shows. Yay!!! I'm finished!!!!

Now, on to my next project!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Black Dragonfly Design in Cafe Press

I just added a whole new section to my online gift shop at Cafe Press. The name of my storefront is "shop crabulous!" I hope you'll enjoy the products I selected to which I added the black dragonfly image.

shop crabulous!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bomomo & Free Art Giveaway

I'm really not one with an addictive personality, but I've become completely addicted to a free online program called Bomomo, which can be found here: BOMOMO 

I happened upon this site while stumbling through stumbleupon (yet another weakness) and I was immediately enthralled. It reminds me of an advanced etch-a-sketch; but it's in color and you can save the images if you choose.

I have discovered that my Canon Pixma printer is capable of printing these images in the same rich colors that appear on my screen and I love using my bomomo images as backgrounds to digital collages.

There are no instructions on the bomomo site. Everything I learned was through experimentation; lots of experimentation. There are so many different tools you can use on this site and I've settled upon a few of my favorites and have a tendency to ignore some of the others. Therefore, I think I've developed my own bomomo style.  I have a theory that no two artists' bomomo style is alike. I think everyone who creates with this program will have a different look or a different style.

To test this theory. I'm holding a Bomomo Contest on my blog. In a couple of weeks I'll be asking that everyone submit one of their bomomo creations to me by email. I will then post it anonymously in a photo album on my Facebook page. Page viewers can then vote on their favorite images by pressing "like." The winner will win one of my Bomomo originated pieces of artwork.

So start practicing and building up a portfolio and stay tuned for the announcement of the entry date.

The following are more bomomo images that I've created to give you an idea of some of the things this program can do. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yellow Springs Artwork Completed!

"Egret Island" 5x7 embellished digital collage
 I'm so excited to have finished 32 new pieces for this year's Historic Yellow Springs Art Show. I'll be delivering the artwork on Tuesday, April 19 and the show opens on Saturday, April 30. Unfortunately, this show does not feature a reception where the public can meet the artists because the space is limited for that sort of event. But I have tentative plans to view the show on opening day, so if you happen to be there on that day and you see me, make sure to say "Hi"!

Here is a link to my updated website page for Yellow Springs. Yellow Springs Show 2011 

The work I just recently added is in the Portfolio section. I just completed 16 embellished digital collages (definition is on the website).

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"I Can't Think Anymore" Mixed Media Collage 6x6

This is the last "hanging" piece for the upcoming Yellow Springs Art Show. Now I have to finish up the portfolio pieces I wish to exhibit there. 

Here, I want you to see a side view of this piece. Polka-dotted polka dots!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

"Gold Dragonfly, Red Leaves" Mixed Media Collage 6x6

Remember the blue canvas from the post "Production Line" a little while back? "Gold Dragonfly, Red Leaves" is the completed collage.

Here, once again, is the canvas, painted in various blue washes and covered in plastic wrap.

When the paint was almost dry, the plastic wrap was removed and the canvas allowed to dry completely.

Now remember the palette paper that I used to clean my brushes?

I tore it in strips and wove them while gluing them to the canvas. Pretty, huh?

Then I covered it up (for the most part) with a piece of dark blue ogura lace paper.

After that, I applied everything else, splattered it with gold, varnished it and applied the metallic gold fabric paint outlines you see.

And that's all there is to it!

Friday, April 1, 2011

"Red Pear" Mixed Media Collage 6x6

A friend of mine was hosting a party in my honor and one of the games she planned for the event was a quiz about me. When I heard the questions I was sort of puzzled, because even I didn't know the answers to some of them. Then it dawned on me, it was based on my artwork. Interestingly enough, I didn't win the game!

One of the first questions asked was, "What is Kris's favorite fruit?"
I was stumped. I didn't know what my favorite fruit was, but suddenly all my friends who were gathered around the banquet table were all saying, "Oh, I know!" and they were furiously writing down the answer; which was, of course, pears!

Over the years I have painted pears probably about a zillion times in as many different mediums. Anytime I try out a new idea, a new tool or new technique, I make a pear. The have such personality, and, of course, there's that sensuous shape. They are fun and easy to draw, paint, shade, highlight, be-jewel, or whatever. 

So, this is my latest offering in a long, long line of pears; my favorite fruit!

Below are the steps to making this piece: 

A wash of burnt sienna & quinacridone gold are covered with plastic wrap
When the paint is dry, the plastic wrap is removed
Scraps of paper are collaged onto the canvas
The whole things is covered with unryu paper with banana fibers in it