Friday, April 1, 2011

"Red Pear" Mixed Media Collage 6x6

A friend of mine was hosting a party in my honor and one of the games she planned for the event was a quiz about me. When I heard the questions I was sort of puzzled, because even I didn't know the answers to some of them. Then it dawned on me, it was based on my artwork. Interestingly enough, I didn't win the game!

One of the first questions asked was, "What is Kris's favorite fruit?"
I was stumped. I didn't know what my favorite fruit was, but suddenly all my friends who were gathered around the banquet table were all saying, "Oh, I know!" and they were furiously writing down the answer; which was, of course, pears!

Over the years I have painted pears probably about a zillion times in as many different mediums. Anytime I try out a new idea, a new tool or new technique, I make a pear. The have such personality, and, of course, there's that sensuous shape. They are fun and easy to draw, paint, shade, highlight, be-jewel, or whatever. 

So, this is my latest offering in a long, long line of pears; my favorite fruit!

Below are the steps to making this piece: 

A wash of burnt sienna & quinacridone gold are covered with plastic wrap
When the paint is dry, the plastic wrap is removed
Scraps of paper are collaged onto the canvas
The whole things is covered with unryu paper with banana fibers in it

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