You may or may not remember that last February I was in Savannah and I picked up an old Belgium textbook from The Paris Market. I was taken by the display of them on the stairway, and I think what attracted me the most was the fact that they were all recovered in plain cardboard. It was obvious to me that this was not the original cover on the books, but their clean, sameness attracted me nonetheless. The one I chose was covered in the same plain cardboard, but still had a leather binding. That's just an irresistible combination for me.
However, although I loved the plainness of the cardboard cover, I still felt compelled to do something about it. I guess it called out to me in much the same way a blank canvas would.

In the six months that I've owned this little book, I've done nothing with it. It is my intention to actually do sketching in it; right over the Flemish words. I know that I can't collage in it as it will break the spine. But, since I've been spending more and more time in my studio, I'm chomping at the bit to do something with this little book and have fun. So the first thing I've done is decorate the front cover. I felt compelled to do that today. Although I've accomplished quite a lot in my studio today, this is a project that I've actually finished and I just love it. Mostly because, it's just for me!
Love the cover! DN
Thanks, Deb! Of course, you were with me when I bought that book. It was such a fun day!
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