Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Devil In The Details

Yes, yes, I know. I've been missing for almost a month. Between vacation and an extra workload when I returned, I've had little time for much else. But, the work marathon has come to an end and I look forward to returning to more artistic endeavors. Today I had the extreme pleasure of meeting up with my sister Photoholics and taking a photo safari to the SCAD Museum of Art in Savannah. We spent a delightful two hours there and then had lunch at Carlito's; another delight. 

I chose to focus on the details of the artwork on exhibit at the museum as well as on the architecture of the building itself. I have purposely decided to not comment on the artworks themselves and hope that you enjoy these photos as abstracts.


Cindy said...

Interesting photos. Glad that your blog is once again active! I enjoy it and have missed your absence on it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks,Cindy! It's good to be back and I really enjoyed seeing you and the girls last week. :D I'm anxious to see what Georgia does with the paper she made.