Entering is easy! Between now and October 7, leave a comment on any or all of my posts. It can be something as simple as "Hi!" or "Pick Me!" Please, though, only one comment per post. All comments will be numbered in the order they were received and on October 8, I will use a "random number generator" to select the winner which I'll announce on my blog and on Facebook that day.
Please remember that if you use the "anonymous" option to leave a comment to be sure to leave your name at the end of the comment so I know who you are and can get your prize to you.
Here are the prizes:
First Prize: Blue Crab Tote Bag

Second Prize: Blue Crab Coffee Mug

Third Prize: Blue Crab Note Cards

Have fun and good luck!
pick me!
I do love the note cards and still send greetings and thoughts the old-fashioned way; I have so many cards from friends from long ago that I cannot imagine a time when one will have nothing tangible to re-read on a rainy afternoon, or when one just wants to remember someone who is no longer here. ~ Connie R.
I loved them all!!!!! I want to win!!!!
Great idea, what made you think of it?
Does this mean you will be doing a lot of posting between now and 10/7? (I'm trying SO HARD to win! All the prizes are very desirable! And I really have been enjoying your beautiful blog.)
Oooh la la! Crabulous prizes for a Crabb please!!!!!!!!!!!
C. Crabb
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