I think my art reflects my personal style. I think it has a subtly feminine look but it's not over the top girlie. For the most part. Every once in a blue moon, though, some impish muse grabs a hold of me and I end up creating something that is exceptionally girlie.

The first time that happened was with the collage at the top of this post; which I named, "Something Girlie." It was completely different for me and I wasn't sure about it. Surprisingly, to me, it sold almost right away. Evidently it must have struck a "girlie" chord in the buyer.
A couple of years later I was creating work for a two-woman art show that we had named "Femme Fatale." I had it in my mind that I wanted to create a piece using a color theme of lavender, lemon yellow, mustard yellow and celadon green. Much to my surprise, "Bubble Fairies" emerged. It made its debut in the show but looked so unlike the rest of my work that it has since graced the walls of my granddaughter's bedroom where it exactly matches her color scheme. (Now she's a girlie-girl.)
So now, three years after the emergence of "Bubble Fairies," I recently gave b

Well, I slept on it and the next day I decided I could redeem it if I went over the top girlie with lots of glitter and one more butterfly in aqua. And that's how "Butterflies" came to be. And just maybe it will strike a chord in a girlier girl than me!
On a slightly different subject, I have a question for anyone who happens to read this. Even though I don't use a flash, I have difficulties capturing the glittery essence of some of my sparklier pieces, such as this one. Does anyone have a helpful hint?
oh Kris.... these are so beautiful. I can really be a girlie girl so I loved this post!!!
So beautiful Kris. I just love your art...:) OH! and I would like to try to win the bag plz...lol
deb nix
I know nothing about cameras and cannot help with the lack of "glitter," but I have to say the photos on your blog look wonderful. I thought of Georgia May as soon as I saw "Bubble Fairies"! She is more like "one of the boys," yet definitely has her girlie side, and I know she'd love that picture!
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