I'm really not one with an addictive personality, but I've become completely addicted to a free online program called Bomomo, which can be found here: BOMOMO
I happened upon this site while stumbling through stumbleupon (yet another weakness) and I was immediately enthralled. It reminds me of an advanced etch-a-sketch; but it's in color and you can save the images if you choose.
I have discovered that my Canon Pixma printer is capable of printing these images in the same rich colors that appear on my screen and I love using my bomomo images as backgrounds to digital collages.
There are no instructions on the bomomo site. Everything I learned was through experimentation; lots of experimentation. There are so many different tools you can use on this site and I've settled upon a few of my favorites and have a tendency to ignore some of the others. Therefore, I think I've developed my own bomomo style. I have a theory that no two artists' bomomo style is alike. I think everyone who creates with this program will have a different look or a different style.
To test this theory. I'm holding a Bomomo Contest on my blog. In a couple of weeks I'll be asking that everyone submit one of their bomomo creations to me by email. I will then post it anonymously in a photo album on my Facebook page. Page viewers can then vote on their favorite images by pressing "like." The winner will win one of my Bomomo originated pieces of artwork.
So start practicing and building up a portfolio and stay tuned for the announcement of the entry date.
The following are more bomomo images that I've created to give you an idea of some of the things this program can do.
LOVE the idea of using those as elements in your collages, what fun!
And the fun is just beginning! ;D
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