As many of you have probably heard by now, I'm back in my studio full time and couldn't be happier.
Part of being a full time artist means that I can spend time on those little things that help an artist become better at their craft; like spending time with my sketchbook.
My current sketchbook is one my son made for me four years ago. I had found a used hard back book for $1.00 with an interesting intaglio of a chestnut tree on the front cover. My son took it, removed the existing pages and replaced it with pages of Rives BFK in tan, my most absolute favorite paper.
For four years I've worked in this sketchbook off and on; most especially during 2008 when my studio was closed for a year while we closed down and sold our primary residence and moved into our second home. I created some very interesting pages during that year. I've always treated my sketchbook as a "dream" book. A place to play, experiment and just have fun.
Most recently I purchased some new permanent markers and a new assortment of glitter glue. The page shown here is one I finished yesterday "playing" with these new tools. I don't use glitter glue in my "serious" art and I don't use line work enough in my serious artwork. You'll find a lot of both throughout my sketchbook, though.
There are only four more blank pages left in this current sketchbook. I'll miss this particular book which has been my friend for four years. At the same time, I'm very excited about beginning a new book of dreams.
Glitter glue, how fun! ...and what an absolutely PERFECT gift from your son... Would that be the same son you are sending to art school?? He's lucky to have you for a Mom, Kristeena!
How imaginative and such a wonderful gift! Keep that boy Kristeena.
And enjoy your time in the studio.
Thanks to you, both, Diane & Susan! :D
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