Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Diamondback Terrapins

"Diamondback Terrapins" - 4x12 - Mixed Media CollageAvailable on Etsy
I've never seen a diamondback terrapin before, but I'm pretty certain this is what they look like. ;)

Now, I must address the comments left on my last post by my 8-year-old niece.

Yes, Georgia, I agree. The turtles look much cuter with eyes, and now they have some! :D

And that beautiful thing which you couldn't identify is actually the background for the turtles. Unfortunately, it didn't work they way I had intended so I had to paint over it. It doesn't look as beautiful, but the turtles were the most important thing here, so I had to make the background less beautiful in order to make the turtles more so.

And, no, I still haven't made any swans, yet. But thanks for reminding me. That gives me a great  idea!

Keep commenting, Georgia! I really appreciate it.

Georgia May
Photo by Melody Lynn Newman

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Sweet!! Georgia and I really liked this post. (And your turtles ended up bee-utiful!)