A recent addition to our pre-lit Christmas trees at work has given me fits. In fact, I got to the point that I couldn't stand looking at it and I decided I had to do something about it.
The tree itself is pretty; nice limbs, nice shape. But, the lights! They are the standard colored Christmas lights with red, green, blue and yellow-gold bulbs, but the manufacturer decided to throw one more color into the mix... pink! My mind just can't reconcile it.
This photo shows my attempt at dealing with it. I decided to decorate it in silver, gold, clear crystal and white ornaments with a silvery leaf garland. Gold floral picks and three white silk magnolias serve as the tree topper. Using colored ornaments was more than my optical nerves could handle.
The brightly colored displays of T-shirts on the left and greeting cards on the right are not the perfect backdrop for this tree, but I'm liking it better than I did previously.
And the cat posing below it helps make it look better, too! :D