Saturday, December 21, 2013

Rethink the Pink

A recent addition to our pre-lit Christmas trees at work has given me fits. In fact, I got to the point that I couldn't stand looking at it and I decided I had to do something about it. 

The tree itself is pretty; nice limbs, nice shape. But, the lights! They are the standard colored Christmas lights with red, green, blue and yellow-gold bulbs, but the manufacturer decided to throw one more color into the mix... pink! My mind just can't reconcile it. 

This photo shows my attempt at dealing with it. I decided to decorate it in silver, gold, clear crystal and white ornaments with a silvery leaf garland. Gold floral picks and three white silk magnolias serve as the tree topper. Using colored ornaments was more than my optical nerves could handle.

The brightly colored displays of T-shirts on the left and greeting cards on the right are not the perfect backdrop for this tree, but I'm liking it better than I did previously. 

And the cat posing below it helps make it look better, too! :D

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Tangy Zoodle No. 98

Tangy Zoodle No. 98
I'm still obsessed with the art form of Zentangle and am still learning new tangle patterns. I highly recommend tangling for anyone who loves drawing and/or wants to learn to draw or improve their drawing skills. These exercises have given me much greater confidence in my ability to make art.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tapestry Butterfly

I think I must be going through a butterfly stage. I guess it could be worse.
"Tapestry Butterfly" - digital collage

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Vignette #2: Bunnies

Another one of Mom's Christmas scenes; this one featuring rabbits of which she is so fond.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas Vignette

Growing up, I loved the Christmas season and not just because of the presents I expected to receive, either. I thought the whole season was magical, primarily because of the charming way my mother transformed our home during that time of year. All around the house there were little vignettes of Christmas and when the early nights fell, candles everywhere were lit. It was enchanting!

My mother still has that magical touch and I wish to share some of the scenes of Christmas around her home with you. Note the Santa mug in this picture. I used to drink eggnog from it when I was very little.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Peace Butterfly

Wednesday morning, while having breakfast, I decided to take this little butterfly which I recently created and turn her into something useable or wearable. You can find products with her likeness at the following links.

Mugs & stuff

Cool, homey things

All kinds of bags

All styles of T-shirts

After I did that, it was time for lunch. I call that a good morning's work.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Pillow for Christmas

Starry Night Woven Throw Pillow
Once again, my good friend, Lori, has come up with another good idea for my designs. Per her suggestion, I created this accent pillow for Christmas. Cute, huh? :D

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Uh, Hello?

Silver Teardrop Necklace
OK, wow! I was just looking at my sales report from Cafe Press and learned that someone from Wisconsin had just ordered this necklace for which I was receiving a commission. It took me by surprise. Although the dragonfly design is mine, I have never put it on a necklace, nor have I ever seen this teardrop design before. Cafe Press took it upon themselves to do this and then gave me the credit. How great is that? I have to say that I love Cafe Press.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bowl Of Cherries - Digital Collage

Maybe I have just a little too much fun with technology, but making digital collages is something I just love to do. The image above is the marriage of the two images below.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Tangy Zoodle #97

Yes, yes. I'm still creating these and learning new tangle patterns, too.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Highlight: Artwork by Bobbi Rullan

Abstract Silver Necklace by Bobbi Rullan of
Since moving to Savannah, I've been fortunate to meet  wildly talented free spirits right here in my own neighborhood. The ladies with whom I've been lucky to hang out call themselves Photoholics and they get together once a month to take photos of a pre-selected site. Of course, lunch is very much a part of the outing!

Our group leader, Bobbi Rullan, is extra specially gifted at thinking outside the box and always thinks of fun new adventures for us. She is also talented in turning her photos into abstract artworks that she has recently published on Zazzle.

I hope you'll take a moment to check out her site and her creative designs! Please visit Artshots at Zazzle.