Mixed Media Collage on Gallery Profile Wrapped Canvas 6x6
So this is today's offering. Do you recognize some of the scrap collage from my "Shakin' It Loose" post? These are some of my favorite colors and I love the way these papers reacted to the varnish. Their colors became even richer and more lush when the varnish was applied.
I received a very touching email yesterday. I didn't recognize the name when I received it, but the sender was a young lady for whom I was commissioned to do a wedding invitation collage by one of the guests at her wedding a couple of years ago. She wrote me to tell me that the collage was her favorite wedding gift and that now she'd like me to do the same for the birth announcement for her daughter using some of the fabrics from her daughter's nursery.
I was so excited to see this message. I don't know at this point whether or not I'll actually get the commission, but I'm delighted that she liked her wedding collage so much. Things like that definitely give me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Its great that you inspired someone.
Its the best feeling!
I'm not surprised the young wife treasures your piece ... your work is truly wonderful. I shall be back to see more. Thank you.
I've just had a look at your art website and your work simply took my breathe away!!! love them!!
Thanks, Steph!
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