You know how much I love my art girlfriends. It's been a tough winter and I haven't seen any of them since December. So when we got together for our regular monthly meeting last night it was a warm reunion.

We debated on where to meet last night. Susan had proposed Aruba and if he could have swung it I'm sure we'd have all met there. So the warmest sounding place we could come up with was a Mexican restaurant in Newark, Delaware called Santa Fe. It was a new experience for all of us.

Newark is the home of the University of Delaware and I think we were the only patrons in the restaurant over the age of 25 and the place was packed. I thought the hostess was going to walk off the job when I arrived 20 minutes ahead of our meeting time and told her I needed a table for 9 and we didn't have a reservation. Fortunately, at 5 minutes to 6:00 a large table of young ladies at the front of the restaurant cleared out just in time for our group to be seated and we ended up being 10.

The food was good and our waitress very attentive. But it was noisy and a little dark, but we made the best of things and had a great time.

Pam, who is a fiber artist, has 26 pieces in a show in Oxford, Pennsylvania which opens tonight. Her item for Show & Tell was this postcard announcing the show and featuring one of her works; the woven map of Australia on the left.

Lorraine, who is an accomplished oil painter, has lately been woodburning dried gourds to great effect and has been selling her gourd designs through a company known as Meadowbrooke Gourds and she was even featured in one of their recent catalogs.

Jay is a jewelry designer and brought a number of her pieces to show us. We drooled over them.

Susan is the ceramic artist in the group. She has been miserable with the wretched weather we've experienced this winter and she vowed to only make pieces of art which would make her laugh. She brought two of those pieces to share with us.

And lastly is a creature which sprung up as an offshoot of Susan's mermaid series. She calls it, naturally enough, a catfish.

What fun! ...and how lucky you are to have such brilliant friends, thanks for sharing!
Of course you had a great time... because you all are such great people!!
Thanks, Diane.
Arja, we sure missed you. I hope to see your happy face next month. :D
A great girlfriend group is a reward in this life! They seem like talented, fun women, and I'm happy you shared with us!
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