My work in the studio this week has been more about organization than creation. OK. The truth. It's been all about organization and nothing about creation. I've been trying to decide which 32 pieces of art to take to Yellow Springs next month. Yes, it's a month away, but they need all the artwork information by March 31st in order to make all their labels before the artists descend upon them with their "stuff". And, of course, I almost never leave anything to the last minute because that's sure to court disaster.
So I made all the decisions from my computer. I have spreadsheets showing me my art inventory by gallery so I know what pieces are where. I also have digital files arranged by gallery so I can actually "see" which artwork is where. After I made my decisions I then had to create a new spreadsheet and digital image file for Yellow Springs. Then I had to physically round up the artwork. Of course the bigger pieces were newly created and still in my studio. Still, Thistles Gallery took the biggest hit, but they were gracious about it. I also left them with some new artwork in exchange for the pieces I pulled. It wasn't one for one, but at least it was a "piece" offering. (Sorry, couldn't resist the pun.)
Then, I felt compelled to make a new page on my website to give my customers a preview of the 32 pieces that will be displayed at Yellow Springs. It was a lot of work to squeeze so much information on one page. It fits on my laptop screen, but I'd be interested in knowing if everyone else can see the whole page. If you have time to look at it, I'd appreciate your feedback before I email it to my customers.
So, that was my work week. I'm hoping to get back to creating next week. I need to make some new work for an upcoming fine crafts show and I have an illustration project that I'm dying to sink my teeth into.
WOW!! Kristeena!! these are awesome!!!! THank you for visiting my blog. Your comment means a lot to me...cheers!! xo steph
Hey Kristeena, good for you to be ready! I just got done with a similar week, a lot of preparing and not enough painting. Time to switch gears again this week. Good luck the show!
You are the most organized artist I've ever met. WOW is right! I impulsively jump into painting, ignoring all the things I set up to sort everything out. Then I'm in a panic when it comes to submissions. You GO girl!
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