Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jane - Mixed Media Collage - 8x10

Remember my blog post from a couple of weeks ago about the antique doll photo safari?

Well, I've finally finished the first collage from those photos and I've decided to name it Jane. Doesn't she look like she could be a character in a Jane Austen novel?

As I mentioned in the earlier post, I've never been much of a doll fancier, but I'm certainly enjoying the ones I photographed.

For comparison purposes I've included the original photo of this doll below. 
I can't wait to get working on some more of them.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Seventy Degrees - Mixed Media Collage - 5"x14"

A very delightful person, by the name of Kathy McNamara just left my home with the collage above in her arms. She is a volunteer for the non-profit organization known as KINfolk and I donated this piece to their upcoming fund raiser.

My husband, Bob, met Kathy at a recent Chamber of Commerce event and learned about her organization. Their mission statement reads as follows:

"KINfolk supplies free laptop computers and internet access to hospitalized and homebound children to keep them in touch with family, school and friends and to help them fight the stress of their illness."

Bob couldn't help but agree to donate one of my pieces to their cause and I'm glad he did. To learn more about their organization you can go to their website: KINfolk Kids.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Frame First!

You Won - Mixed Media Collage - 4x6

Every once in awhile, instead of creating a piece of art and then finding a frame to go with it, I find myself doing just the opposite. I'll find myself in possession of a frame for which I decide to create a piece of art. My dear friend, Fran, calls that "frame first" art.

A few years back I bought from Target what I thought of as a very cool frame for a favorite photo of mine. I still think the frame is cool; it's light green and shabby chic, but it just never did the photo justice and finally I found a better home for the photo. 

So, "You Won" is a collage especially designed to fit the frame. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Antique Doll Photo Safari

The first weekend of August is the date of the TAGG group exhibition in Chesapeake City, Maryland. We exhibited there last year and at that time chose the theme of this year's show. We decided to go with "Guys and/or Dolls."  


Now I'm not a procrastinator and I don't work well under pressure; however, I have nothing ready for this show. Nothing, nada, zilch, bupkis. So today I convinced my husband, Bob, to accompany me on a photo safari through the antique stores in our area so I could get photographs of dolls.

Growing up my sister and I owned a lot of dolls; but I didn't play with them much. I much preferred my brother's trucks, cars, building blocks and Lincoln Logs. (Well, actually the Lincoln Logs were mine; my parents finally caught on to my disinterest in dolls.) And over the years I've been to many antique stores, but I've never paid much attention to the dolls. Today; however, I was fascinated with what I found.

There were all types of dolls of varying ages; everything from the beautiful, the funny and the downright scary. So here you see my raw material. Now I have eight weeks to do something with this. Wish me luck!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

And The Winner Is!

I'm excited to announce that the winner of the Facebook Fabulous Free Art Giveaway is the lovely and talented Diane Hoeptner! Congratulations, Diane, and thanks so much for all your support of my blog.

If you're not already familiar with Diane and her gorgeous artwork, please be sure to visit her blog:

Diane Hoeptner

And many thanks to all of you who participated in the "giveaway" and to all my Facebook fans.