Saturday, February 25, 2012

Retrospective Part 2

"Pink Poppies" - Oil - 8x10 - 1998
Yes, I dabbled in oils. Off and on. I never quite grew to love them though. And I could make the biggest mess with them, too. I found I preferred the directness of pastels and I loved the way you blended colors with pastels directly on the support itself and not on a palette. I always had the messiest palettes. I did sell a few oil paintings though and some remain in the family. Most notably with my mother and my cousin (who has the second largest collection of my works). When I moved from my home in Maryland I gave all my oil paints to my son and gave them up for good.
"Seashells & Coral" - Oil - 5x7 - 2002


Susan Roden said...

What a surprise Kristeena! Your seashells are lovely.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Susan. Yes, once upon a time I knew a little bit about painting.