Monday, December 3, 2012


I was playing around a bit in the studio today. I have  this idea of making art from common items. For one thing, I have a new studio with far fewer supplies than I've had in the past. So I experimented today with newspaper, cheesecloth, sample indoor house paints from Lowes, wallpaper and crayons. I had hours of fun seeing what I could come up with.

The image I've posted here was something I created in my sketchbook. The background started out with the house paints (they are daubs from where I cleaned my brushes). Then I applied a layer of cheesecloth on top of that. Next I used a piece of Japanese kinwashi (I know, I know... not exactly prosaic) and I used a quilting iron to melt crayons and a small paint brush to apply the melted wax to the kinwashi to create the image of a pear; thus creating my own style of encaustic painting. 

And true to my signature style, I splattered the entire image with a coppery metallic paint.

I rather like the end result and I can imagine that you'll see me using a similar process with similar materials in the future.

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