Monday, February 4, 2013

Tangy Zoodle

As you read in an earlier post of mine, I've become fascinated with the drawing technique known as Zentangle and expect to do more with these techniques. I also decided to take the designs I've already created and upload them to my shop on Cafe Press (shop crabulous!) and have them used on tile coasters. I also wanted to give my designs a unique name, but with a nod to Zentangle. Of course the word, doodle, came to mine and that progressed to "zoodle" and that brought back a memory.

Back in the 80's my husband purchased our first cabin cruiser, a 24' Bayliner. It was just big enough for the two of us and our two toddlers and we spent many a weekend on our boat, which we called "Valkyrie." 

We made a lot of boating friends and we were frequently hailing each other over the VHF radios on our boats to locate each other and make plans to hook up. Whenever you hail another boat, you always give the name of your boat as well and the call number of your radio license. Our license number began with the letters WTZ which are always spoken as "whisky," "tango," "zulu." 

Apparently our youngest, who was two at the time, absorbed all of this radio hailing activity and one day as we were closing the boat up for the weekend, he made his way to the cockpit, withdrew the radio mic from its holder (fortunately the radio was turned off) and started calling into the microphone, "Tangy zoodle, tangy zoodle, tangy zoodle!)

It's a phrase that has been permanently embedded in my brain for the past 26 years and I can't think of a more perfect name for my Zen tangled doodles, can you?

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