Sunday, January 30, 2011

Three Sunflowers - Mixed Media Collage - 20x20

The sunflowers are finished at last!

Here is a side view showing how the image wraps around the sides.

And here's a re-cap of the steps toward completion of this piece. 

I think I'm going to stick with this floral theme for the show at Yellow Springs, at least in my four major pieces. Hmmm... what flower should I do next?


Anonymous said...

Just lovely Kris!
You asked what flowers next, how about some of your white irises? :)

Lorraine Z said...

Spring Ephemerals!!! Trillium, trout lily, Dutchman's breeches, spring bluet, bloodroot. You would do these beauties justice, for sure!

Can't wait to see you in Kennett and Yellow Springs...

Anonymous said...

Deb, I was thinking something white, like white irises or white tulips, but Lorraine has offered a challenge that I find hard to resist.

Starting something new is always exciting and a little scary!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

beautiful work Kristeena!!